Check out our frequently asked questions
How do job seekers apply to my job?A job seeker interested in applying to your job will click the "Apply" button, follow instructions for uploading their resume and cover letter (optional), and answer screening questions if included in your application requirements.The materials they send will appear in your employer dashboard's "Candidates" tab, where you can update their candidacy status.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
Why is my job not appearing first in searches?
The content on the site is a rotating mixture of inventory. It combines jobs from our sponsored campaigns with organic and aggregated content. Although bid levels are heavily weighted in our search algorithm, we also consider other terms such as location, keywords, etc., in an effort to serve up a wide variety of jobs to candidates searching on the site.
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What are some best practices for using are some tips on how to improve your job postings' performance on Suppose you have a new account with a 50 local currency credit. We advise using it on a single job posting. Using the credit across multiple jobs can affect their visibility and impact how many candidates they can potentially reach.2. The job title of your posting should reflect what candidates are searching for, with recognizable keywords that match industry standards.3. We encourage including a salary or range within the job description. Candidates appreciate having this information up front instead of learning about it later, and it prompts more activity with your job posting overall.4. Job descriptions that include a mission statement and are clear about on-the-job expectations, company culture, and benefits also perform better than those that exclude this information.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
What should I include in my job posting?
At the very least, your job posting should include your company's mission, the primary duties required, and prerequisites like education and certification needed for the job in question. However, job descriptions with more specific and detailed descriptions and a section highlighting the company's benefits package tend to attract more applicants.
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How do I create an employer account?Depending on your business size and needs, you can create either a Post a Job or Enterprise Solutions account to sponsor your job(s). Visit and click on the "For Employers" button, then on "Post a job". Let us know how many employees your company has, and your sign-up process will continue from there with the product best suited to your's Post a Job product caters to small and medium-sized businesses, allowing you to post jobs independently, track your cost-per-click spending, set and modify your budget, and manage candidate profiles within your dashboard. Enterprise Solutions is tailored to companies looking to fill numerous positions and allows businesses to run successful hiring campaigns using their own recruitment software of choice.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us