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Check out our frequently asked questions
What does Talent.com do?As a leading job search platform, Talent.com provides more than 30 million jobs from 1 million companies across 77 countries.We also provide several solutions that support job seekers to land a job, like personalized job alerts that deliver new opportunities directly to your inbox. You can also use the site to help you tackle the harder-to-grasp breakdown of salary and tax details that can be difficult to understand. We invite job seekers everywhere to explore what Talent.com has to offer.If you want to know more about Talent, click hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
Is Talent.com free?
Talent.com has always been free to use for job seekers, and it still is. We're proud to offer our growing database of jobs across several industries and levels of expertise free of charge. We want to see job seekers like you find career options and solutions that will give you the confidence to succeed.
Create your free account here
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How to apply for a job?There are two options for applying to jobs on Talent.com.The first is by clicking the “Apply on Talent.com” button and following the steps to upload your resume. Remember to provide your email and answer any questions from the employer where applicable.The second is by clicking the “Apply on company website” button, which redirects you to the company’s career site. From here, you will be prompted to follow their job application steps.Happy job hunting!Apply to your job hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
Why does my Talent.com account suddenly require a password?
For added security, all accounts now require a password in addition to a one-time validation code. This new measure was implemented as part of our ongoing commitment to protect personal information on our platform and ensure a more secure user experience.
If your account doesn’t have a password, you’ll be asked to create one the next time you sign in. Your password must have at least 8 characters, including 1 number and 1 special character.
If your account is unverified, you’ll also have to enter a one-time validation code, which you’ll receive by email.
You can sign into your account here.
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How to login in Talent.com?
To create a Talent.com account, follow these simple steps:
1. Look for the ""Sign In"" button in the upper right corner and click on it to get started.
2. You can use your Google account or email address to create an account. Choose the option that works best for you.
Enter your information. We recommend using an email address you use frequently.
3. Create a password. It must contain at least: 1 special character, 1 number, and 8 characters.
4. Click ""Create account"".
5. The final step is to verify your account. You'll receive a verification code in your email inbox. Copy the code and enter it in the designated field on Talent.com to finalize the verification.
And that's it, your account is ready. Don't forget to save your password for future access.
Here's to a productive job search!
Log to your account here
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How to receive more accurate alerts?We understand that it can be frustrating to receive job alerts unrelated to your job searching needs. Follow these steps to improve the quality and relevancy of your personalized alerts.1. Sign in to your account.2. Hover over the "My Account" menu and select "My notifications" from the list of dropdown options.3. Find and click "Personalize my jobs."From here, you can toggle between the Keywords and Location tabs and update your information to only show jobs that match the keywords you enter.For even better recommendations, we suggest you use specific job titles that you want, not general keywords. You can also see tips for better job recommendations in the main "My notifications" menu.Log to your account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How do I receive personalized job alerts?
You can start receiving personalized job alerts from Talent.com by signing up for an account. Your account will give you exclusive access to personalized alerts, which are daily emails that include new job titles related to your recent searches on our website. Pop over to our answer for creating an account here.
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How to consult the average salary of a position to which I want to apply?
Our Salary search tool provides an easy and resourceful way to compare your current salary across industries and locations. Select ""Search salary"" from the options available in the top menu to find yours.
You can easily input your job position, or any title you're interested in comparing, and the location for the best and most accurate results. You can also switch between annual, monthly, and weekly options to compare your salary payment breakdown.
Find out more
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How to use the tax calculator tool?In the top menu, you’ll find our Tax Calculator tool among the other selections. The tool is an excellent resource for discovering how much your salary will be after tax deductions.Using the Tax calculator tool is simple:
- Enter your gross income
- Choose between annual, weekly, and other options
- Enter the region you’d like to consult
- Click “Calculate” to get your estimation
You will be able to view a breakdown of your salary, including how much tax your employer pays and more tax-related information relevant to your location.Learn more about salaries
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What do I do if I am unable to log in?
Make sure you are using the correct email associated with your account and the valid login URL. If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot password?" button. If issues persist, please contact us.
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What password do I need to access my dashboard?
Use the password you chose at the time of your account creation to access your employer dashboard. Click "Forgot password?" if you're having difficulty retrieving your password, and we'll send you an email with instructions for resetting.
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How do I create an employer account on Talent.com?Depending on your business size and needs, you can create either a Post a Job or Enterprise Solutions account to sponsor your job(s). Visit Talent.com and click on the "For Employers" button, then on "Post a job". Let us know how many employees your company has, and your sign-up process will continue from there with the product best suited to your needs.Talent.com's Post a Job product caters to small and medium-sized businesses, allowing you to post jobs independently, track your cost-per-click spending, set and modify your budget, and manage candidate profiles within your dashboard. Enterprise Solutions is tailored to companies looking to fill numerous positions and allows businesses to run successful hiring campaigns using their own recruitment software of choice.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How do I integrate my recruitment software with Talent.com?
Talent.com offers ATS and Publishers integrations, depending on your needs. Visit our Employers page, locate the Integrations tab and select the best integration for you. Next, click "Get Started" and fill out the contact card with your contact information. Our integration experts will be in contact with next steps.
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How do job seekers apply to my job?A job seeker interested in applying to your job will click the "Apply" button, follow instructions for uploading their resume and cover letter (optional), and answer screening questions if included in your application requirements.The materials they send will appear in your employer dashboard's "Candidates" tab, where you can update their candidacy status.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
Why is my job not appearing first in searches?
The content on the site is a rotating mixture of inventory. It combines jobs from our sponsored campaigns with organic and aggregated content. Although bid levels are heavily weighted in our search algorithm, we also consider other terms such as location, keywords, etc., in an effort to serve up a wide variety of jobs to candidates searching on the site.
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How do I find people to apply to my job(s)?In most cases, job seekers find your job(s) by searching through our site or within our partner network, not the reverse. At Talent.com, our expert campaign analysts are always looking for new strategic ways to use location and CPC bids to improve traffic to your job(s).Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
Why are jobs from my company appearing on Talent.com?Talent.com is an intermediary between candidates and employers. We host jobs on our site to offer users a centralized list of opportunities.Like search engines that list content available on the web, we list online job postings. In doing so, we help job seekers find all the jobs they want to see in one place. It also gives extra visibility to employers so more qualified candidates can see their job postings and apply.The information we share is public, and we always credit the source. We also redirect the candidate to the source of the job posting.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
What is Talent.com for Employers?
Talent.com for Employers is a hub where anyone representing a company looking for hiring solutions can explore options for their recruitment needs. Use this space to discover our job posting and sponsoring offers, browse integration options, and find recruitment resources. When you are ready, sign up for an employers account or contact our experts for more information about our products.
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What does Talent.com do?As a leading job search platform, Talent.com provides more than 30 million jobs from 1 million companies across 77 countries.We also provide several solutions that support job seekers to land a job, like personalized job alerts that deliver new opportunities directly to your inbox. You can also use the site to help you tackle the harder-to-grasp breakdown of salary and tax details that can be difficult to understand. We invite job seekers everywhere to explore what Talent.com has to offer.If you want to know more about Talent, click hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
Is Talent.com free?
Talent.com has always been free to use for job seekers, and it still is. We're proud to offer our growing database of jobs across several industries and levels of expertise free of charge. We want to see job seekers like you find career options and solutions that will give you the confidence to succeed.
Create your free account here
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Why does my Talent.com account suddenly require a password?
For added security, all accounts now require a password in addition to a one-time validation code. This new measure was implemented as part of our ongoing commitment to protect personal information on our platform and ensure a more secure user experience.
If your account doesn’t have a password, you’ll be asked to create one the next time you sign in. Your password must have at least 8 characters, including 1 number and 1 special character.
If your account is unverified, you’ll also have to enter a one-time validation code, which you’ll receive by email.
You can sign into your account here
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How to login in Talent.com?
To create a Talent.com account, follow these simple steps:
1. Look for the ""Sign In"" button in the upper right corner and click on it to get started.
2. You can use your Google account or email address to create an account. Choose the option that works best for you.
Enter your information. We recommend using an email address you use frequently.
3. Create a password. It must contain at least: 1 special character, 1 number, and 8 characters.
4. Click ""Create account"".
5. The final step is to verify your account. You'll receive a verification code in your email inbox. Copy the code and enter it in the designated field on Talent.com to finalize the verification.
And that's it, your account is ready. Don't forget to save your password for future access.
Here's to a productive job search!
Log to your account here
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How to apply for a job?There are two options for applying to jobs on Talent.comThe first is by clicking the “Apply on Talent.com” button and following the steps to upload your resume. Remember to provide your email and answer any questions from the employer where applicable.The second is by clicking the “Apply on company website” button, which redirects you to the company’s career site. From here, you will be prompted to follow their job application steps.Happy job hunting!Apply to your job hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How do I create an account?If you want to create a new Talent.com account, follow these simple steps. You can use your account to set up your job alert preferences!1. Find the "Log in" button in the top right corner and click to get started.2. You can use Facebook, Google, or your email address to sign up. Choose the option that works best for you.3. Add your information. We recommend using an email address that you use often.4. Finish the process by clicking "Continue."5. The last step is to verify your account. You will receive a verification code to your email. Enter your code on the website in the space provided to confirm your account.Create your account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How to receive more accurate alerts?We understand that it can be frustrating to receive job alerts unrelated to your job searching needs. Follow these steps to improve the quality and relevancy of your personalized alerts.1. Sign in to your account.2. Hover over the "My Account" menu and select "My notifications" from the list of dropdown options.3. Find and click "Personalize my jobs."From here, you can toggle between the Keywords and Location tabs and update your information to only show jobs that match the keywords you enter.For even better recommendations, we suggest you use specific job titles that you want, not general keywords. You can also see tips for better job recommendations in the main "My notifications" menu.Log to your account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How do I receive personalized job alerts?
You can start receiving personalized job alerts from Talent.com by signing up for an account. Your account will give you exclusive access to personalized alerts, which are daily emails that include new job titles related to your recent searches on our website. Pop over to our answer for creating an account here.
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How to consult the average salary of a position to which I want to apply?Our Salary search tool provides an easy and resourceful way to compare your current salary across industries and locations. Select "Search salary" from the options available in the top menu to find yours.You can easily input your job position, or any title you're interested in comparing, and the location for the best and most accurate results. You can also switch between annual, monthly, and weekly options to compare your salary payment breakdown.Find out more hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How to use the tax calculator tool?In the top menu, you’ll find our Tax Calculator tool among the other selections. The tool is an excellent resource for discovering how much your salary will be after tax deductions.Using the Tax calculator tool is simple:
- Enter your gross income
- Choose between annual, weekly, and other options
- Enter the region you’d like to consult
- Click “Calculate” to get your estimation
You will be able to view a breakdown of your salary, including how much tax your employer pays and more tax-related information relevant to your location.Find out more hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us -
How to report a job?
Whether a job is expired, contains incorrect information, or appears to be a scam, job seekers can contact our User Solutions team directly with a link to the issue.
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