Check out our frequently asked questions
How to report a job?
Whether a job is expired, contains incorrect information, or appears to be a scam, job seekers can contact our User Solutions team directly with a link to the issue.
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What to do if I find a technical issue on do our best to prevent errors before they happen, but if an issue happens to slip our notice, we appreciate the heads up from users like you!Using one or more of the options available in our Help Center, provide a detailed description of the issue you're experiencing. One of our agents will be in touch to help you sort it out.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
What information do you keep?We encourage users to review our privacy policy for answers to questions about personal data.Visit's terms of service and privacy policy any time you want to review the terms of using our site by scrolling to the bottom of any page and locating the link. You'll be directed to our Terms of Service page, where you can navigate its contents at your discretion.Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us