Check out our frequently asked questions
How to receive more accurate alerts?We understand that it can be frustrating to receive job alerts unrelated to your job searching needs. Follow these steps to improve the quality and relevancy of your personalized alerts.1. Sign in to your account.2. Hover over the "My Account" menu and select "My notifications" from the list of dropdown options.3. Find and click "Personalize my jobs."From here, you can toggle between the Keywords and Location tabs and update your information to only show jobs that match the keywords you enter.For even better recommendations, we suggest you use specific job titles that you want, not general keywords. You can also see tips for better job recommendations in the main "My notifications" menu.Log to your account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How do I receive personalized job alerts?
You can start receiving personalized job alerts from by signing up for an account. Your account will give you exclusive access to personalized alerts, which are daily emails that include new job titles related to your recent searches on our website. Pop over to our answer for creating an account here.
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How to change alerts language? automatically sends you to the website in the country you are searching from, using location-based data like your IP address in the default language.Some country sites have a toggle between languages that you can find in the top right corner next to the sign-in button. Click and interact with the site by searching and clicking your desired jobs to prompt our alerts system to send you job openings in your preferred language.Log in to your account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How to unsubscribe from email alerts?There are many ways to unsubscribe to job email alerts from One way is simply to look for a link that says "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of any job alerts you've received by email.You can also:
- Sign into your account
- Go to “Settings”
- Select “My notifications”
From there, you can manage your alerts to receive job opportunities that are more relevant to you by going to “Personalize my jobs”. This section will allow you to add keywords and locations to improve the job recommendations you receive by email.If you want to stop receiving job recommendations altogether, look for "Send me Talent․com's job recommendations based on my profile, job search activity, saved jobs and applied jobs", select "No", then "Save changes."Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us -
Why am I not receiving alerts?There is a possibility that your email domain is blocking communication from If so, we recommend adding to your contact list, which will allow us to continue sending emails successfully to your inbox. The process will take up to a day, so don’t be alarmed if you’re not receiving new alerts right away.Sometimes emails are directed to your junk mailbox, and you may not know they’re being stored there. If that’s the case, remember to visit your junk mailbox and report email alerts as “no spam.”Log in to your account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How do I sign up for SMS alerts?You can start receiving SMS alerts by signing up for an account. Your account will give you exclusive access to personalized alerts, which are daily emails that include new job titles related to your recent searches on our website. Please note that SMS sign-up is only available in Canada and the US at this time.Pop over to our answer for creating an account hereWas this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us
How to stop SMS alerts?If you'd like to stop receiving SMS alerts from, reply "stop" and it will signal our alerts system to suspend future messages.Don't worry. You can sign up again at any time!Was this answer helpful?Do you still need help? Contact us